zondag 11 mei 2014

Happy Shelves

Reading was my first love, and it will be my last. I admit, this is a terribly corny way to start this blog. However it comes as closest to the heart as it can get. 

I have been engulfing myself in other worlds through the pages of books ever since I started reading. I am not alone in this. I have a family full of book-lovers and I like to think it was my grandmother on my father’s side who gave me this gene, this unsatisfying urge to enter different worlds, sometimes confronting me with crazy lifestyles, sometimes sparking my imagination, and sometimes hitting close to home. 

In this world of digitalization, I find it sometimes difficult to pull myself away from all the screens surrounding us and to retire to some place comfy with a good book. I admit, I do read digital books now and then, let’s be honest about this from the start, however it’s still most exciting to me to read a real book or wander through a nice bookstore (don’t get me started on how this feels…). 

 What I do miss in this world of digitalization is the attention for good books. Books that make you laugh, cry or might even terrify you. That is why I will be trying here to discuss books that I believe are awesome and deserve to be read. And since I am also a big sucker for beautiful pictures, interior designs, fashion and inspiring quotes, I will also try to incorporate all those things I love in this blog, stocking some happy (digital) shelves!

I leave you here with some wise words of one of the greatest writers ever lived (Jane Austen) who inspires me to keep on reading, even if life itself gets in the way.

My Type of Font, to be downloaded here

First Day, to be downloaded here